Which month and what kind of vegetable can be cultivated?

Boishakh (mid-April-mid-May):

Good time for sowing red spinach, gimakalmi, stalk, onion, jute, brinjal, chili, ginger, turmeric, potato. With summer tomato seedlings can be planted. 5 Tajmishtikumra, Karala, Dhundul, Jhinga, Chichinga, Chalkumra, Cucumber shed should be made and seedlings should be produced. Insect control and irrigation of pumpkin vegetables should be provided. Kharif-1 season vegetable seeds should be sown, seedlings should be planted, stalks, spinach, red spinach, Barbati should be collected. Kharif-2 vegetable beds and seedlings should be made. Young Sajina, watermelon, melons should be collected. Selection of fruit cultivation sites, collection of improved fruit seedlings or cuttings, application of balanced fertilizer to old fruit trees, and irrigation of fruit trees.

Joistho (mid-May-mid-June):

Kharif-2 vegetable seedlings sown earlier in the seedbed should be planted, irrigated and fertilized, and cared for. Shazina should be collected and summer tomato seedlings should be planted and cared for. Shrimp, Chichinga, Dhundul, Patal, Kankrol collection, and insect control measures should be taken. Nabikumra national crop scaffolding, irrigation, and fertilizer application. Fruit seedling planting holes should be prepared and balanced fertilizer application should be made on mature fruit trees, fruit collection and marketing should be arranged.

Ashar (mid-June-mid-July):

Summer eggplant, tomato, green chili care, bean seed sowing, pumpkin vegetable insects, diseases should be controlled. Eggplant, tomato, and potato should be collected from the planted orchards. Kharif-2 Vegetable seedlings should be planted and cared for, irrigation, fertilizer should be applied. Planting seedlings or cuttings of medicinal plants with fruits, tying the seedlings with poles, giving cages or fences, and applying balanced fertilizer to the fruit trees.

Shravan (mid-July-mid-August):

In early Rabi vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, gourd, tomato, eggplant seedbed can be prepared, seed sowing can be started. Vegetables of Kharif-2 should be picked and insects should be controlled. Bean seeds, spinach, and spinach should be sown. Care of planted fruit seedlings, planting of improved seedlings/grafting, installation of poles, fencing, collection of fruits of fruit trees.

Bhadra (mid-August-mid-September):

Early Rabi vegetables, cabbage, cauliflower, cauliflower, cauliflower, tomato, eggplant, pumpkin, pumpkin, seedling planting, fertilizer application, etc. should be done. Medium and Nabi Rabi vegetable seedbeds should be prepared and seeds should be sown. Nabi Kharif-2 Vegetables should be collected and seeds should be stored. Improved fruit seedlings or grafting including the planting of previously planted fruit seedlings, planting of poles, preservation of seedlings with fences, pruning of tree parts after collection of fruits.

Ashwin (mid-September-mid-October):

Planting of seedlings of Rabi vegetables in advance, care of seedlings, irrigation, application of fertilizers, preparation of seedbed of Nabi Rabi vegetables including pest control, sowing of seeds, early weeding of tomatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, cauliflower. Beans, gourds, Barbati shed have to be made and taken care of. Garlic, onion seeds, potatoes should be planted. At the base of the fruit tree, the soil should be given, weeds should be cleaned and fertilizer should be applied.

Kartik (mid-October-mid-November):

Potatoes should be peeled and early Rabi vegetables should be taken care of and collected. Medium Robi vegetable care, fertilizer application, and irrigation should be provided. Nabi Rabi needs to make arrangements for the production of vegetable saplings, land preparation, and planting of saplings. Cabbage, cauliflower, cauliflower roots should be tied and weeds should be cleaned. Pepper seeds and seedlings should be planted. Care should be taken to preserve the sap in the soil by taking care of the fruit trees, using fertilizers, and mulching if fertilizers are not applied.

Agrahayan (mid-November-mid-December):

Planting of sweet potato vines, care of previously planted vines, planting of onion, garlic, and chili seedlings, application of fertilizer in potato land, irrigation, etc. should be done. Other rabi crops such as cauliflower, cabbage, tomato, eggplant, oleander, turnip seedling care, fertilizer application, irrigation, weed cleaning, and vegetable collection should be done. Mulching of fruit trees and moderate fertilizer should be applied.

Poush (mid-December-mid-January):

Insects and diseases of early and mid-Rabi vegetables should be controlled and vegetables should be collected. Nabi Rabi has to take care of vegetables, control insects and diseases of fruit trees, and other care. Those who want to cultivate seasonal flowers commercially need to take more care of the flowers at this time – especially fertilizer application.

Magh (mid-January-mid-February):

Potato, onion, garlic root removal, irrigation, fertilizer application, pruning of tomato stalks and fruits, middle and nabi rabi vegetable irrigation, fertilizer, anointing, scaffolding, and early Kharif-1 vegetable seedbed Need to prepare or female or sow seeds. Seedlings need to be more careful in seedling production. Because, if healthy-strong disease-free seedlings can be planted, good harvest or yield can be expected effortlessly in the next time. Fruit insects, disease control, and other care should be taken.

Fagun (mid-February-mid-March):

Nabi Kharif-1 vegetable seedbed preparation, female preparation, seed sowing, potato, stalk red spinach seeds should be sown. In advance, Kharif-1 vegetable seedlings should be produced and the mainland should be prepared, fertilizers should be applied and planted. Potato, sweet potato collection, rabi vegetable seed collection, storage, and other crops in the garden should be taken care of. Be more careful in storing potatoes. In this case, if the age of the potato plant in the land is 90 days, cut the whole tree equal to the soil and make waste manure in the hole. Thus, after keeping potatoes under the soil for 10 days, i.e. 100 days after planting, potatoes should be picked. This will strengthen the skin and increase the storage capacity. If there is less sap at the base of the fruit tree, it is necessary to provide occasional irrigation, control of insects and diseases.

Chaitra (Mid-March mid-April):

Summer brinjal, tomato, chili seeds, or seedlings should be planted. Prophet’s seeds should be made and seeded. The vegetables that have been created will be planted on the mainland. Applications of vegetable fields, irrigation, and fertilizer application, need to take action to prevent pumpkin national vegetables insects and diseases. The Prophet Robi will be raised and stored and preserved seeds. If there is a shortage of roses on the ground, the fruit is gutter or harder. So it is important to suppress the necessary irrigation, insecticides, and diseases.

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