International and Domestic measurement difference of gold.

The domestic calculation is the unit of measurement of gold.
1 Bhari = 16 Annas
1 Bhari = 96 Ratis
1 Anna = 8 Ratis

Gold measurement of the weight of a gram of weight is calculated in terms of 24 carats, just as the unit of weight is a unit of weight. 98 Ratis is 1 Bhari. Dividing 96 by 24 is 4 Ratis, and these 4 Ratis are equal to 1 carat.

But if you want to buy gold abroad or in the international market, you can’t buy it as a Bhari. This is because the international unit of weight, “kilogram” or “ounce”, is used as the unit for selling gold abroad. The fraction of kilogram is “gram”. Since gold is very valuable, people buy it in very small quantities. So grams or ounces are used more to measure the weight of gold. Of course, many do not know how many grams or ounces are filled. If it is known, gold can be bought easily at home and abroad, and at the same time, the difference in price is also caught.

৮ Anna = 5.632 grams
14 anna = 10.206 grams
1 weight = 11.636 grams Again,

1 ounce = 26.3495 grams 1 ounce = 2.4305 lbs
1 weight = 0.41143 ounces

Purity_of_gold Many are thinking of buying gold on the occasion of marriage. There is also a demand for gold ornaments for various occasions including birthdays, Akika, Sunnat circumcision, rice on the face, all year round. It is also important to check the purity of this precious metal when buying gold jewelry. In this way, the buyer will be able to know how much pure gold he has got by spending hard-earned money and how much he has dug or adulterated.

The mathematical formula for measuring gold purity (carat)

X = 24 / (Mg / Mm)
Where X is the carat calculation of gold, Mg is the mass of pure gold in ornaments, Mm is the total mass of the ornament. There is also The Troy system which is used to check the purity of precious metals and stones.

1 troy ounce = 480 grains
1 grain = 64.798 91 milligrams
1 troy ounce = 31.1034768 grams 2
4 grains = 1 pennyweight 20 pennyweight = 1 troy oz
12 troy oz = 1 troy lb.
The metric system is also used

1 Troy Ounce = 31,103 Grams 1 Pennyweight = 1.555 Grams
15.432 Grains = 1 Gram
1 Grain = .0648 Grams

Gr = Grains
Gm = Grams
Oz = Ounce
Ozt = Troy Ounces
Dwt = Pennyweight
Kgm = Kilogram (1000 grams)

When buying gold ornaments, the buyer must know how many carats of gold he will buy. Gold is usually 24, 22, 21, and 18 carats or 14 and 10 carats. 24-carat gold is pure gold. Which is only available as bars.

22 carats. If 2 carats are omitted in it as carat, there will be 1 Anna 2 Rati Khand or adulterated. If you want to buy 21-carat jewelry, it will have 2 annas in it and if you buy 18 carats, it will have 4 annas in each filling. International list of purity by carat The amount of carat purity 24 carats 99.99% pure 22 carats 91.60% pure 21 carats 7.50% pure 18 carats 75.00% pure 14 carats 56.5% pure 10 carats 41.6% pure Whenever you buy gold ornaments, be sure to check out the carat inscriptions on the ornaments. The inscriptions on the ornaments or on the hook of the chain will be 9999 i.e. 24 carats, 918 i.e. 22 carats, 75 i.e. 21 carats, 650 i.e. 18 carats. Happy gold measurement.

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